Caracal | Communications for Geopolitics

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My way or the Huawei

The United States has asked sixty-one countries to ban Huawei equipment, but only three—Australia, New Zealand, and Japan—have agreed. 

Many nations have little desire to pick between American and Chinese companies when selecting new technology - even America's allies and companies are going their own way when it comes to the Chinese superpower technology company.

In Germany, Deutsche Telekom was in advanced talks last month to retain Huawei as its main supplier of radio equipment for new mobile networks and Huawei alongside Nokia will be a supplier to the 5G network of Telefonica Deutschland, the German arm of the Spanish telecoms giant.

US technology companies have rebuffed a Trump administration request that they pledge to stop sourcing supplies from some Chinese companies, amid concerns that such a policy could break competition laws and halt access to expanding a middle-class centric Chinese economy.
