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The current state of US-China commercial relations in ten points:

1. Hyper-politics in America will make all moves by elected officials short-term heavy with an eye on the next elections in 2020, 2022, and 2024

2. These are the four factions shaping the environment: Communists vs Capitalists vs Cranks vs Connectors. 

Note that is possible for one person to be in all four factions at the same time with various levels of intensity shifting depending on the situation or commercial goal.

3. Xi really believes the "Chinese Dream" is a reality not fully realized yet - there is more work to be done.

The Chinese Dream is a concept promoted widely within Chinese society since 2013, Xi Jinping describes the concept set of personal and national ethos and ideals in China.

Xi’s Chinese Dream is described as achieving the “Two 100s”: the material goal of China becoming a “moderately well-off society” by 2021, the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, and the modernization goal of China becoming a fully developed nation by about 2049, the 100th anniversary of the People’s Republic.

4. Whatever soft power China has cultivated over the last twenty years has been extinguished by developments in Xinjiang, South China Sea, Hong Kong, and its response to COVID. It is now China vs. The World.

See here: AFP: China calls Britain 'America's dupe' for banning Huawei

5. Commercial relations will be shaped by Coffee vs Chips. 

If you are selling coffee (Starbucks) and other consumer discretionary items, no problems. 

If you are selling computer chips ( Micron Technology) and other strategic technologies, mo problems.

6. Not all businesses are created equal or have the same commercial objectives, or the same stakeholder responsibilities, hence different businesses have different perspectives on China: 

MNCs vs SMBs, vs Mom + Pops = Where you sit is where you stand.

MNCs = Need to be in China, regardless of challenges
SMBs = Need protection from China and see many problems
Mom + Pops = No need for China and vote accordingly

7. Politicians talking about new supply chains and re-shoring is fanciful, feel-good, campaign trail nonsense. 

See here: Removing Huawei from the UK’s telecoms infrastructure within a decade would be “impossible”, the BT chief executive has said.

8. 2nd tier nations like the UK, France, Germany, India, Australia, and Japan will all be making decisions between going with America or going with China which will impact commerce and defense for their respective nations for a generation.

See here: Xi’s call to Singapore: a subtle ‘reminder’ about the South China Sea? SCMP reports, to some, the Chinese leader’s call to Singapore’s Lee Hsien Loong seemed a routine post-election call. To others, it seemed a warning against siding with the United States.

See here: LAT: The US wants Asian allies to stand up to China. It’s not that easy

See: Many Germans believe China will replace US as superpower: survey

9. "America First" thinking coupled with pulling back from global demands and challenges is popular with voters and popular with elected officials in DC. If elected Team Biden will attempt to revive a multilateral approach to China, but voter sentiment is not there today.

10. Election 2020 this November will be all about COVID, Cash, and China, which is really all about who can be handle Xi and the Chinese Communist Party going forward.