Caracal | Communications for Geopolitics

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Texting about a 5 step communications audit

Here's a recent text exchange I had with an MBA classmate.

Q: How would you sort out an organization's communications?

A: With 5 easy steps, all leading to communications brilliance.

Q: What are these 5 easy steps?

A: The Caracal 5 Step Communications Audit.

Q: Why would I hire Caracal to conduct your 5 Step Communications Audit?

A: Based on personal frontline communications experience, organizations often have a problematic communications say-do gap. For example, you say your communications is this, but your communications does this.

Q: Can you tell me more?

A: Sure, I am confident your organization's leader knows your communications should be better, but she doesn't know where to start. Her daily thought bubble is, "Our communications isn't great, but we don't know the first step to getting better."

Q: OK, what else you got?

A: If you recognize any of these words when describing your communications:

- Lack of focus

- Lack of energy

- Lack of intensity

- Good enough is oaky

- Poorly defined mission

- Too much friction to receive

- Too much friction to execute

You need a communications audit.

There are two types of communications - communications that bring energy or communications that use energy.

Pro-tip, you want to bring energy.

Q: Sold. How long from start to finish?

A: 21 days.

And scene.


The Caracal 5 Step Communications Audit has helped a range of global executives and policy pros, including a former cabinet official, an author, a consumer brand CEO, and a start-up founder.

The Caracal 5 Step Communications Audit is an ideal tool for properly analyzing your business goals and creating a foundation and process for ongoing high-low communications success.

For more details - click here.

Winning communications happens when a trusted leader provides high-quality insights, reflects shared values, and establishes a platform to capture like-minded allies and supporters.

Want to move forward?

The next steps are confirming your interest, jumping on the phone to sort out the logistics, identifying the participants, and getting to work.

Let's do this.



Need help with your comms?

Caracal is available for solo executive advisory sessions, leading a team workshop, conducting a communications strategy audit, or speaking on executing high-low communications.

Happy to help.
