Caracal Daily | Feb. 3
1. Sweden's Gotland gets ready for anything amid rising Russian threats: DW reports suspicious of Moscow's territorial ambitions, Sweden is preparing for worst-case scenarios. Teri Schultz visits the island of Gotland that's being remilitarized to protect the region key to Baltic Sea security.
2. Musk: Robots to be bigger business than Tesla cars: BBC reports Elon Musk likes to have a focus - and this year, it looks like it might be robots. He told investors on a Tesla earnings call his nascent robot plans had "the potential to be more significant than the vehicle business, over time."
3. How one company took over the NFT trade: The Verge reports the NFT gold rush made OpenSea into a $13 billion company — but can it stay on top?
4. The mystery behind the Zucker shocker: Shawn McCreesh reports his office romance has been an open secret for years. So why is he really leaving?
5. Winter Olympics: Germany's secret bobsled weapon: DW the pandemic has meant that bobsled athletes heading to Beijing haven't had as much chance to practice on the track as usual. But Germany has come up with a secret weapon that the team keeps in a Munich office building.