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The situation determines the tactic.

A proper tactic is not only about what job needs to be done; it is also about comprehending the environment of the situation.

David Snowden and Mary Boone formulated a useful framework that takes into account the environment of the situation and sorts out which tactic will be best for the job.

On the framework, Harvard Business Review writes: "Many executives are surprised when previously successful leadership approaches fail in new situations, but different contexts call for different kinds of responses. Before addressing a situation, leaders need to recognize which context governs it—and tailor their actions accordingly."

Snowden and Boone called their tool the Cynefin framework.

Cynefin, pronounced ku-nev-in, is a Welsh word that signifies there are multiple factors in our environment and from our experiences that influence us in ways that we can never fully recognize or understand.

Snowden explains the literal translation of cynefin means “habitat or place, but what it actually means is the place of your multiple belongings.” 

By this, Snowden means our perspectives and responses to a situation result from multiple factors, including our multiple experiences, memberships, associations, and surroundings.  This mashed-up cocktail influences us in ways we don’t fully recognize or understand.

Unlike other models, the Cynefin framework is a sense-making model and not a categorization model.

A categorization model is the classic 2x2 matrix where the framework precedes the data.

A sense-making model is where the data precedes the framework. 

You can watch him discuss the concept of the framework here.

The Cynefin framework allows you to sort a situation into one of five environments:






So depending on what situation you are in, you should respond differently and with a tactic that is proper and proportional to the situation.

Each situation requires a different tactic.

Of the five situations, the first four are the clearest and most obvious. 

Still, for the globally ambitious executives reading this, you will most often find yourself in a disorder situation.

The first problem you will face in responding to a disorder situation will occur without you even knowing it.

Your top-of-mind response will be based on your personal preferences and previously most successful tactic shaped by your multiple experiences, memberships, associations, and surroundings.

Your top-of-mind response will be based on accessing the situation based on your preferred tactic.

The danger you will face is your favorite tactic which worked swimmingly in the past for a clear and obvious situation, won’t work now because there is a new reality. A new situation. A new disorder.

The Cynefin framework allows you to recognize that your actions must match the reality you find yourself in through a sense-making process.

If you need help determining the proper tactic for your situation, Caracal is here to help.

Enjoy the ride + plan accordingly.


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