Caracal | Communications for Geopolitics

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TWIN framework

The best communicators embrace the TWIN framework:

TWIN = Targets to Win, Influence, and Neutralize.

In a complex communications effort, you will likely have 5, 7, 9, 11, and 25 targets (audiences) that you need to win, influence, and neutralize.

This ability to identify targets rests on classic stakeholder management, engagement, and situation awareness.

To succeed in a complex communications effort, ask yourself which targets (audiences) you need to win, influence, and neutralize.

Of the 5, 7, 9, 11, and possibly 25 targets, identify them and place them into one of three columns - win, influence, or neutralize.

Which targets (audiences) do you need 100 percent on your side to win?

Which targets (audiences) do you need to influence?

Which targets (audiences) do you need to neutralize?

Pro-tip, mathematically the win and influence audiences should be bigger.