Political trends matter until they don't.
"I am probably more confused about American politics right now than at any point in my career." -- Newt Gingrich
Where was the "Red Wave" sweeping more Republicans into DC?
The triple combination of a weak economy, high inflation, and an unpopular President Biden, plus being the political party out of the White House, all suggested the GOP would do exceptionally well in a midterm election.
That's the trend pros used.
That's the trend pros trusted.
That was the trend that mattered until it wasn't the trend that mattered.
We are ending a 28-year run of a generation of American politics defined by Republicans taking over the House of Representatives, Speaker Newt Gingrich, the Contract with America, Frank Luntz's "words that work," Sarah Palin as a VP candidate, the GWOT, the Great Recession, Barack Obama's audacity of hope, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Donald Trump as President.
The following political span will focus on cultural issues, various education achievement levels, passport ownership, Whole Foods vs. Cracker Barrel, yoga vs. mixed-martial arts, and workers who assemble vs. workers who create.
Less about "it's the economy, stupid" and more about causes over campaigns.
An exciting time.