Caracal | Communications for Geopolitics

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Corporate talk of deglobalization has hit a new high

"What we got here is... a failure to communicate."

Amazing how presidential politics shapes the thinking of corporate boardrooms and C-suites.

Equally amazing that corporate boardrooms and C-suites do nothing to change this thinking by executing high-low communications that shape presidential politics.

Look at this chart.

See the spike?

A campaign mantra of "America First" was finally realized with the pandemic outbreak in 2020.

Remember, Trump's second-term agenda included the pledge to "bring back 1 million manufacturing jobs from China."

Without communications push back or other ideas being introduced on the campaign trail, Biden embraced Trump's campaign mantra.

With silent boardrooms and C-suites, the pandemic accelerated the presidential politics of deglobalization.

So, what do we have now?

Business models built over decades are being wrecked because of timid corporate boardrooms and "no comment" C-suites.

Global supply chains built over decades are being dismantled because of finger-in-the-wind corporate boardrooms and feeble C-suites.

World-class innovations built over decades are being suppressed because of "let's hope this passes" corporate boardrooms and "let's not get dirty" C-suites.

The thing about comms, you can react, or you can respond.

What this graph represents is corporate boardrooms and C-suites reacting to presidential politics.

Just like medicine, one wants to have a response, not a reaction.

The next season of presidential politics starts in 169 days.

Is your corporate boardroom and C-suite going to react or respond?


You can find the chart and corresponding article here:

Business leaders warn that the three-decade era of globalization is ending