AI @ Noon | March 10

Today in AI news and how comms pros should think and talk about it....

1. Meta courts authoritarian regimes: According to whistleblower allegations, Meta reportedly explored sharing user data with Chinese authorities and developed censorship systems in an attempt to enter the massive Chinese market.

2. AI development accelerates military applications: Scale AI's multimillion-dollar partnership with the Department of Defense significantly advances military automation. This deal signals the increasing integration of AI into national security infrastructure, accelerating the development of AI for strategic planning and operations while raising important questions about oversight and appropriate deployment.

3. AGI approaches reality: Government acknowledgment of artificial general intelligence's (AGI) impending arrival, coupled with Anthropic's formal recommendations to the Office of Science and Technology Policy, indicates that advanced AI capabilities are progressing faster than many anticipated. This recognition from both the public and private sectors suggests a growing consensus that transformative AI technologies require coordinated governance frameworks.

4. Regional tech hub competition intensifies: Apple's expansion into Houston potentially signals a significant shift in tech geography beyond traditional centers like Silicon Valley. This development reflects broader trends of tech decentralization as companies seek favorable business environments, diverse talent pools, and lower operating costs in emerging regional hubs.

5. AI transforms media and communication: Patch's rapid scaling of AI-generated local newsletters to 30,000 US communities demonstrates how AI is reshaping media business models and content production. Simultaneously, new research showing that AI text can be identified with 97% accuracy highlights the ongoing tension between AI advancement and human verification capabilities in an era of increasingly sophisticated generative technologies.

Pro tip: Make sure you have a professional with expertise in geopolitical communications on your team. Such a pro will help you navigate geopolitical challenges related to your business objectives and confidently speak about this environment.

Caracal is here to help.

Enjoy the ride + plan accordingly.
