ITK Radio | Stephen Majors | Communicating Biotechnology

On this episode of ITK Radio, a conversation with Stephen Majors.

Stephen is the Global Head of Communications at the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine.

Stephen advocates for consistent regulatory and market access policies globally to ensure that patients can access cutting-edge biotechnology treatments for various conditions.

He leverages his expertise in healthcare, public policy, and geopolitics, and experience in journalism and the media, to conduct effective and integrated public affairs campaigns for the biotechnology sector across state, national, and international geographies.

You can find Stephen on LinkedIn here.


Insights + Ideas:

+ What is it like to be a journalist?

+ Helping a journalist: "To be brief and be to the point."

+ How to best understand a reporter's beat or interests

+ Making the leap from being a journalist to being a public policy healthcare advocate

+ Advice on staying on top of the recent developments in public policy healthcare advocate

+ Read: Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World - David Epstein

+ The benefit of not knowing when communicating a topic

+ Tactics for successful media training

+ Vizualing an audience to develop communications

+ How biz dev and B2B communications have helped his career

+ Thinking about audiences to achieve communications objectives

+ How media fragmentation is impacting communications objectives

+ How to make sure your communications is responsive and not always reactive

+ What it is like to handle communications for a global membership advocacy organization