Caracal Business Insider | November 6, 2017

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Saudi Arabia | Silvio Berlusconi | Donna Brazile | Rand Paul  | Shalane Flanagan

Curation and commentary from Marc A. Ross

Caracal Business Insider: Politics + Policy + Profits

"You've got to win the politics to set the policy to ensure the profits." - Marc A. Ross, founder of Caracal Global.

Reporting from Alexandria, Virginia


Broad crackdown reins in Saudi elite: WSJ reports, a sweeping weekend roundup of more than five dozen princes, ministers and prominent businessmen in Saudi Arabia marks a dramatic escalation in the crown prince’s effort to consolidate power and accelerate far-reaching change in the kingdom.

Saudi crown prince upends traditions in purge of rivals: NYT reports, the move appeared to be the most sweeping shift in governance the kingdom has experienced for more than eight decades.

“It is the coup de grâce of the old system,” a former US ambassador said. “Gone. All power has now been concentrated in the hands of Mohammed bin Salman.”

Trump urges Japan to buy more US military equipment: WSJ reports, Trump pushed for Japan to buy “massive” amounts of military equipment from the U.S., saying that it would help the country shoot down missiles like those nearby North Korea fired overhead in recent months.

Nikkei: Abe, Trump agree to exert 'maximum pressure' on North Korea

Bloomberg: Trump pushes Japan to buy military equipment, hits out on trade

@FoxBusiness: @POTUS to Japan: "I am committed to achieving a fair, free and reciprocal trading relationship."

Wooing Trump, Xi seeks great power status for China: NYT reports, Xi Jinping, the most powerful Chinese leader in decades, wants the United States to share global leadership with China as equals.

Trump’s two-day visit to China starts Wednesday.

Trump is about to learn that China couldn't care less about America First
LAT - David Rothkopf

A more hawkish Trump approach to China is coming soon
WP - Josh Rogin

Deposed Catalan leader released by Brussels judge: FT reports, Puigdemont told to stay in Belgium during process to decide on Spain’s extradition request.

How the Catalonia vote threatens the EU
Reuters - John Lloyd

Outside of Catalonia, independence movements exist in the UK (Scotland), France (Brittany and Corsica), Bavaria (Germany), Belgium (Flanders) and Italy (Lombardy and Veneto). 

Silvio Berlusconi’s coalition set for victory in Sicily poll: The Times reports, Silvio Berlusconi’s center-right coalition appeared to have snatched a narrow lead over the anti-establishment Five Star Movement in Sicilian regional elections, according to exit polls released last night. Matteo Renzi’s hopes of a second stint as Italian prime minister appeared to have been dealt a severe blow as his center-left party were put in a distant third. The results of the regional poll, which involves 4.6 million voters, are being closely watched for signs as to who may prevail in national elections next spring.

He's back.

No one knows what Britain is anymore
NYT - Steven Erlanger

Rather than a vote for a global Britain and economic liberalism, Mr. Tilford said, Brexit was a vote for protectionism, and its political system now “is deeply provincial and introverted at a time when Britain is supposed to be heading out into the world.”


FT: Globalisation marches on without Trump

A new wave of trade talks threatens to leave US isolated. 


Donna Brazile: I considered replacing Clinton with Biden as 2016 Democratic nominee

VA-GOV: Virginia’s gubernatorial election is tomorrow and polls suggest the race is neck and neck and could go either way.

FT: Democrats battle to unify in Virginia election

Gillespie shuns Trump in biggest race of 2017: Politico reports, the GOP Virginia nominee never invited the president to campaign, fearing a backlash in the DC suburbs. And some conservatives aren't happy about it.

Wednesday at the DNC could be a disastrous meltdown = Donna Brazile book + Losing VA governor's race

House departures: 27 Republicans have left or are leaving the House of Representatives - not a good sign if you are looking to keep a majority.

Injuries Sen. Rand Paul sustained in attack far more severe than initially thought: WP reports, the two-term senator is recovering from five broken ribs and bruises to his lungs after being allegedly attacked by a neighbor on Friday. It is unclear when Paul (R-KY) will return to Washington, aides said Sunday.

Is Tom Cotton the future of Trumpism? 
New Yorker - Jeffrey Toobin

NBC News: Mueller has enough evidence to bring charges in Flynn investigation

The fact Flynn hasn't been arrested yet has to suggest cooperation with the Mueller investigation.

WSJ: Russian Twitter support for Trump began shortly after he started campaign—in June 2015

Bloomberg: Trump Jr. hinted at review of anti-Russia law, Moscow lawyer says


Marc A. Ross works with clients to develop executive education lectures, speeches, presentations, workshops, and conferences to help demystify Globalization, Disruption, and American politics. Learn more here.


WSJ: Broadcom proposes to buy Qualcomm for $103 billion

The unsolicited bid would be the largest pure tech merger ever.

Bloomberg: Coca-Cola's next big bet may be spiffing up your cocktail mixers

“Mixers are seeing a resurgence in many parts of the world as part of this trend.”

Goldman Sachs Group and China Investment Corp. are partnering on a multibillion-dollar fund to help the giant Chinese fund invest in US manufacturing and other sectors.

Caixin: UnionPay reaches complete penetration at US ATMs

Bloomberg: Qatar Airways buys Cathay Pacific stake for $662 Million

CNBC: Ford and Europe's auto giants to build a long-distance electric charging network

- 20 fast-charging stations to be in operation by the end of 2017

- 400 stations aimed to be built across Europe by 2020

- Technology would have twice charging capacity of Tesla's offering


Early-bird special: Some families can’t wait for Thanksgiving: WSJ reports, more Americans are celebrating Turkey Day earlier than the fourth week of November, citing cheaper travel and lower stress.

Today's cheapest iPhone vs the PalmPilot: 20 years of handheld computing: As we welcome the innovative iPhone X, it's worth noting that you can buy a new iPhone for less than the original PalmPilot. Even Apple's lowest-end device is hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than handhelds from 20 years ago.
ZDNet - David Gewirtz


NY Daily News: Shalane Flanagan becomes first US woman to win NYC Marathon since 1977
