I think a lot about attention.
I mean like a lot.
Generating attention.
Securing attention.
Accepting attention.
Regenerating attention.
I think about attention for my clients and my projects.
Attention is something all entrepreneurs and thought leaders know they need to be successful, impactful, and fruitful.
Understanding culture has been a useful tool for attention gathering.
Often entrepreneurs and thought leaders over-index on tactics and tools and don't consider strategy and organization as so necessary - especially as it relates to culture.
Sure you can change culture, but to make the change, it will be expensive, extensive, and exhaustive - far better to embrace culture ticks and execute accordingly.
Culture can be relative to target audiences.
The relativity of culture makes the understanding, the appreciating, and the accepting of this invisible essence so necessary to take your concept from zero to one.
To be successful, it takes introspection, experimentation, and a willingness to embrace culture if you want to reach that loyal consumer who's perfect for your product, service, or idea.
Embracing culture can set you on a path propelling your business or idea forward.
Marc A. Ross is the founder of Caracal Global and specializes in thought leader communications and global public affairs for senior executives working at the intersection of globalization, disruption, and politics.