Brand marketing vs. Direct marketing

Brand marketing vs. Direct marketing

"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half." -- John Wanamaker

The radio was created to sell ads.

The television was created to sell ads.

Both are the platforms of a brand marketing world.

The internet was not created for ads.

The internet is not mass media.

The internet is the platform of a direct marketing world.

The internet is a micro-media

The internet is a personalized media.

John Wanamaker would have liked the internet.

Examples = Brand marketing

Mass + Passive
Low ability to measure
Professional editorial environment
Super Bowl ad
Pay upfront for space/audience
Fortune 500s
Vogue + Atlantic magazines
"Cool Kids"

Examples = Direct marketing

"Call To Action" = Buy Now
High ability to measure
Amateur editorial environment
Targeted audience
Pays for itself
No Fortune 500s
Patreon + Subscriptions
"Rebel Kids"

* BTW: Born in Philadelphia in 1838, John Wanamaker pioneered the department store concept, invented the price tag, and was known as a pioneer in marketing.

-Marc | Founder @ Caracal