An Iowa insider reports to watch for goodnights from Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, but at the end of the day, the race looks to be a battle between the Bs: Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Mike Bloomberg.
Already Biden is attacking Sanders for not being a real Democrat - and this senior statesmen battle royale is just getting started.
Michael Brendan Dougherty penned a column entitled: “The coming Biden and Bernie show.” He went on to write: “If and when the race narrows to the strongest candidate in each ‘lane,’ Democrats will be forced to focus on the only questions that really matter to them.”
Solid analysis here, because all Dems want to vote for the most progressive candidate, but also the candidate that can beat Trump.
But can Bloomberg beat Trump?
Few pros think so - but I think he has a solid chance as presidential re-election is a referendum with America voting if they want four more years of the same leader in the White House.
Politico reports, Bloomberg’s big-spending, shock-and-awe TV ad campaign, just eight weeks into his presidential campaign, has already spent more money on advertising — $248 million — than most candidates could spend in years.
Bloomberg is planning for Biden to fade away after Super Tuesday, creating a Bloomberg vs. Sanders contest for the Democratic nomination.
I see this primary going on for some time and we should be prepared for an ever-increasing chance of a contested party convention in Milwaukee.