Scottish independence only | The Weekender | August 29, 2020

Communications strategy at the intersection of globalization, disruption, and politics.

Scottish independence only.


Is Scotland a civilizational state? In his stimulating The Rise of the Civilizational State, the LSE professor Christopher Coker sketches how those nation-states who also see themselves as civilizations – China, Russia, and the US above all others – define themselves. These ascribed virtues include social solidarity, popular values, a history of upright and noble leaders, opposition to “savage” capitalism, and to the moral vacuity of other states – in the case of these civilizational states, Europe. Scots nationalists share a belief in most of these civilizational traits for a future independent Scotland. They define it, not against the European Union, which they revere, but against England – and think, like all three of the presidents above, that theirs is a more moral country. It’s tacitly an argument that Scotland is a different civilization.
John Lloyd

Scotland and independence: Many unionists have woken up to the benefits of devolution during the coronavirus pandemic and could hand the SNP its biggest ever mandate for independence, one of Britain’s leading polling experts has said. John Curtice, professor of politics at the University of Strathclyde, said a poll in The Sunday Times showing a sustained 54 percent support for independence “raises serious questions for unionists.”

The rise of Scotland’s COVID nationalism: Scotland may be at risk of developing a new strain of chauvinism – COVID nationalism – that hides old prejudices behind the imprimatur of a public health rationale. It is no longer acceptable to say in polite company that the English are oppressors but what of casting them as infectors? Eradicating coronavirus is properly the chief priority of government but when the government speaks about it foolishly or carelessly or even slyly it threatens to give birth to another virus entirely.
Stephen Daisley

Johnson fears loss of UK's power and magic if Scotland breaks away: Disagreements between Britain’s constituent nations - Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and England - over the handling of the coronavirus pandemic have damaged relations already badly strained by Brexit. That is particularly the case in Scotland, which voted against leaving the European Union and where opinion polls show support for independence narrowly outweighs support for its 300-year union with England.

Scotland may be the price of Boris Johnson’s place in history: The UK prime minister will have to fight to save the Union from himself.

Are Gove and Galloway the Union’s best hope? It’s a sign of how careless both Leavers and Remainers have been of Scotland that this unlikely duo is rushing to the rescue.
Hugo Rifkind



Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National Party, has thrown down the gauntlet to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson by demanding that the Scottish parliament be given the power to call independence referendums as often as it chooses. 

In a 2014 referendum, 45 percent of the voters in Scotland backed independence, and as Brexit formally approaches, the Scottish National Party suggests “the Scottish voice is not heard at Westminster."

The Scottish government has published a document that it says sets out the legal and democratic case for “self-determination” and has sent a formal request for the ability to hold another vote.

"The Scottish Government believes the best future for Scotland is to be an independent country in order to build a fairer, more prosperous society." -- Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland


Scottish independence: Yes leads by 53% to 47%, according to You Gov poll.

+ This is the largest lead of any YouGov poll on the matter

+ SNP still looks set for a landslide victory in next May’s Scottish Parliament elections, an election they will go into pledging to hold a second independence referendum

+ The No campaign would also likely push messaging on the economy, given our previous polling has shown that 42% think the country would be worse off economically if it went independent

Independent Scotland would face a decade of austerity: The Institute for Fiscal Studies issues warning as public spending deficit soars to £15.1bn.

A group of influential Scottish business people has come together to highlight the economic case for Scotland remaining in the UK in the face of increased support for independence. The group will be part of Scottish Business UK (SBUK), the pro-union lobby organization created by entrepreneur Robert Kilgour three years ago. 

The Royal Bank of Scotland officially changed its name to NatWest. The group is retiring the name it has used since its founding in 1727.

Scotland is the second-largest country in the United Kingdom with a population of approximately 5.44 million in 2018. With a population density of just 70 people per square kilometer.

The population of Glasgow is over 626 thousand, making it the largest city in the country.

ESPN+ acquires Scottish Premiership rights for the next 5 years: Live games could start being broadcast as early as next month once final signatures have been sorted. The deal also includes the Scottish Championship, League One, and League Two, as well as the Scottish Challenge Cup and League Cup competitions.

Caracal BTW supports = Ross County FC


Brexit Britain is high risk, while taking responsibility for ourselves is much less so. No one is suggesting it will be easy. It will take hard work, clever thinking and a clear transition plan. It will be an effort. That effort will be worth it.

After a distinguished career in international journalism, Angus Robertson worked in the Scottish Parliament as an expert advisor before being elected to the House of Commons where he served for 16 years. He is a candidate seeking the SNP Edinburgh Central #SP21 candidacy.

Have a great weekend. See you next week.

Caracal is political communications for global business.

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