Looking for 28 Beta Testers

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Team Caracal needs you.

Well maybe.

If you are part of our desired target audience, then yes, we need you.

We have launched the China Communications Intelligence service, and we need to know if it works in the real world of global business.

The China Communications Intelligence service is actionable insights, media trend-spotting, and senior executive advisory to help you better think about and speak on the US-China commercial relationship.

Who is the you we are looking for?

The you is a corporate communication executive.

A corporate communication executive that spends time with various external and internal audiences, including customers, employees, bosses, boards, stakeholders, the media, the general public, and regulatory bodies.

Plus, a corporate communication executive that needs to be up to speed on the US-China commercial relationship with actionable insights, media trend-spotting, and senior executive advisory services.

Let me tell you four reasons why Team Caracal is so excited to get the China Communications Intelligence service into the wild.

Caracal knows communications and political intelligence for global business.

Caracal knows communications at the intersection of globalization, disruption, and politics.

Caracal knows how to engage the world’s most politically savvy participants.

Caracal loves working with corporate communication executives.

We packaged up all this know-how and passion into the China Communications Intelligence service.

A service that is designed to meet the motley to-do task list that dominates the working life of a corporate communication executive, especially one whose business is global.

The China Communications Intelligence service is designed by communication executives for other communication executives - it is the only US-China service that puts communications first.

Not government relations.

Not regulatory policy.

Not business advisory.

Not diplomacy.


We mean no slight to the many learned policy pros and sophisticated diplomats that dominate US-China commercial relations memo writing and the advisory world, but putting grand ideas into the real world requires communications.

Communications that is well informed, consistent, persuasive, engages multiple stakeholders, and executes a street smart high-low approach.

Communications that needs to go from the think tanks of DC to the backyard picnic tables of Detroit.

Communications that needs to go from the panels of Davos to the coffee shops of Denver.

The China Communications Intelligence service will help you navigate one of the most critical commercial relationships in the world - from daily news overviews to deep-dive presentations.

This service's foundation is the daily news overview sent by email by 9:30 am DC time 5x a week, Monday - Friday, whenever the NYSE is open, or when Team Caracal isn't surfing, skiing, or watching soccer.

So we are looking for 28 beta testers to receive, read, and react to this email for 12 business days.

For your trouble of being one of the 28 beta testers, Team Caracal will offer you a choice of a bag of whole bean Route 66 Blend coffee from Misha's Coffee House in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, or $750 off a China Communications Intelligence subscription.

If you are game, go to this page: caracal.global/contact, provide your contact details, then under the Beta Test | Yes section, check the China Communications Intelligence (CCI) box, and receive, read, and react to the daily news overview for 12 business days.

Thanks for reading.
