Don't be like John Cena
Have the proper tools to navigate the hyper-political US-China commercial relationship.
Caracal has launched a new service designed exclusively for corporate communication executives, China Communications Intelligence.
The China Communications Intelligence service will expand your understanding and improve your political intelligence of one of the most critical commercial relationships in the world.
The China Communications Intelligence service is actionable insights, media trend-spotting, and senior executive advisory to help you better think about and speak on the US-China commercial relationship.
With daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly materials and engagements, think of Caracal’s China Communications Intelligence service as having access to your own private communications director whose only job is to help you succeed in today's hyper-political US-China commercial relationship.
You can find more information on Caracal’s China Communications Intelligence service here or I am happy to jump on a call and discuss how this tool can help you do your job better and with more confidence.