A soaking mistake: Rishi Sunak's ill-fated election call

In a seismic shift in UK politics, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has made the unprecedented and potentially catastrophic move of calling a snap general election for July. This decision has sent shockwaves through his party and the political landscape, leaving many to ponder the motives behind this high-stakes gamble.

Having recently met with well-placed sources in SW1, I can confidently say that the mood within the Conservative Party is one of confusion and concern.

"It's amateur hour," confided one insider, who pointed out Sunak has never had to navigate the treacherous waters of a competitive general election campaign. Worse still, he appears to be surrounded by a team of "political softies" who lack the necessary experience and grit to steer the ship through the coming storm.

It's worth noting that these alarming revelations came to light a whole week before Sunak's fateful decision to call the election. The writing, it seems, was already on the wall.

The campaign reveals the stark reality of Sunak's inexperience and questionable judgment. By making himself the focal point, he has left the Conservative Party in a perilous state, with candidates reportedly left to fend for themselves and party unity at an unprecedented low.

The harsh reality of politics is that the smartest and most intelligent candidates rarely come out on top. Instead, success often hinges on a complex mix of charisma, timing, and sheer luck. Sunak, having failed to secure victory over Liz Truss in the party leadership contest, should have been acutely aware of this fact.

As the Conservatives face the prospect of a potentially devastating defeat, the party is scrambling to secure a minimum of seats while also preparing for a future beyond this election. This future is shrouded in uncertainty, potentially necessitating a complete rebranding and reshuffling of the party's leadership.

In the end, the adage holds that you either win or lose in politics. There is no middle ground, no consolation prize. By calling this ill-fated election, Rishi Sunak may have sealed his fate and that of his party. Only time will tell if the Conservative Party can dry out from this soaking and rebuild or if this soaking mistake will haunt them for a decade.

-- Marc

Marc A. Ross | Chief Communications Strategist @ Caracal

Marc A. Ross is a geostrategist and world-class communications executive with a proven ability to shape public affairs and increase cause awareness for global business issues using global street smarts coupled with holistic, high-frequency, and high-low communications.

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