Cause > Campaign

A cause beats a campaign every time.

When running for high office, keep policy solutions simple.

1 is best.


3 is good.

Compassionate conservatism.

No child left behind.

Tax breaks for all.

5 is the most.

In Manchester recently, Labour’s Keir Starmer outlined the beginning of five “national missions” that will drive his 2024 election manifesto.

When Mitt Romney ran for president, he had a 59-point plan to save America.

"Channeling the management consultant he used to be, Romney presented the outlines of a 59-point plan, published in a 160-page book. His aides boasted that it is the most specific proposal any presidential candidate has offered."

You can read the full 2011 Washington Post article on Romney's plan roll-out here.

So successful was Romney's 59-point plan with American voters that it landed him not in the White House but in the US Senate.