Caracal Daily | Feb. 16


1. The lesson Stalin could teach Putin about invading a neighbor: Casey Michel writes the Soviet Union’s attack on Finland in 1939 ended surprisingly badly for the much larger aggressor.

2. When you count users instead of dollars, the NFT world is tiny: FT reports why the infancy of non-fungible tokens may last a long time.

3. Americans’ trust in scientists, other groups declines: Pew reports trust in scientists and medical scientists has fallen below pre-pandemic levels, with 29% of U.S. adults saying they have a great deal of confidence in medical scientists to act in the best interests of the public. This is down from 40% in November 2020 and 35% in January 2019, before COVID-19 emerged. Other prominent groups – including the military, police officers, and public school principals – have also seen their ratings decline.

4. Nearly a quarter of Americans get news from podcasts: Pew reports the share of Americans who say they often get news from a podcast is quite small, at just 7%; 16% of adults say they sometimes do.

5. More than 101 million Americans watched Super Bowl LVI on live TV Sunday across NBC and Telemundo, according to preliminary ratings from Nielsen.